Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Oh wowzers. i have a had a fun filled past few days....lets recap

last week i bought all of my material to make my quilt and have actually started on it....that is good progress in this household. i just hope the vision i have in my head can be transferred to the quilt

on friday went and hung out with some friends and went to the observation deck at the airport which is matt jones' favorite. i pretty much fell asleep cause my life has turned to patheticacy (made up word) and i cant get myself to stay up past 11 most days.

then sunday, this is the biggest of them all, i bought my ticket to go see tiffany! this is the first time i have ever actually planed out a vacation where it required me to buy a ticket ahead of time. oh i did go to europe once and that had to be planned but still i think i called my sister in the middle of the night her time and was like i am buying a ticket right now for this day hope it works...so maybe this is my second time but it feels like my first. so i am so excited to see her! oh and did i mention how awesome she is. she always sends me the coolest things...this year for my birthday she sent these...

love them. they will go great with my collection. seattle will be a great way to end summer before my college career restarts.

then monday i was summoned to jury duty...again.
i just was there last august, so maybe it has been almost a year but still there are people that have never gone. but i guess it didnt turn out that bad. it was kind of fun to see how things worked. the first day i got my assignment for a jury that was the next day so i got to go home relatively early but had to be back tuesday for court. there was 72 of us that had to go into court and after hours of sitting 22 people got to be exempted for different reasons then we had lunch. while at lunch i went and sat by a kid who is in my ward but i havent talked to him in like 3 years cause i have been gone or he has been gone and the mutual friends we had in common are no longer here. so i guess i would say that was one of the best things that came out of the whole thing. making a friend at church while not at church but randomly put on the same jury! ha. so we get back to the court room and the prosecutor and the defense attorney go on and on and ask us questions so they can narrow us down and then in the end i wasnt picked. i am glad cause i dont want to be the one that has to choose a punishment for someone. i am a wuss.

thus were my past few days.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

week one...

so i have successfully made it through the first week of summer camp. i was really worried this summer cause i am the director of the older kids ( 10-12 yr olds) and last year they were a complete pain and i was just hoping for the best this summer.

well week one they were great. the kids actually played most of the games and there was barely any complaining going on

but let me tell you what consists of a pretty good week....

day one...i had to jump in to the pool and save a girl from the younger kids camp that was going down while doing her swimming test that we make them take before they have free range of the water park. needless to say she now has to stay in the kiddie pool

day two....have a kid diagnosed with anorexia. have to keep an eye on that one.

day four.....ok so we have lunch out at a pavilion and there is a swing set and the base of it is made of pebble size rocks. well a pretty big rock managed to find its way in with the pebbles and into the hands of the sweetest little girl. she was holding it and tossed it to the ground. then of course the heavens and stars somehow aligned and in some weird coincidence of movements the rock hit a boy in the forehead by accident. there was so much blood i thought i was in a horror movie. my heart stopped. oh and did i mention it was the kid diagnosed with anorexia ya awesome. his dad was not too happy when he showed up. the kid was actually ok. he is pretty tough and no tears shed. he didnt even know he was hit by a rock, other kids had to tell him he was bleeding. the cut was small and didnt need stitches but the emt was called just incase cause there really was so much blood.

then while we were dealing with (this.... a little girl got sick and threw up.

friday a parent came in and was mad cause a kid throw away his daughters drink before she was finished with it (and of course the daughter failed to mention that she was scratching the kid and he just got mad and threw it away but feels bad about it and will buy her another drink) ya kids like to leave parts out...but the dad came in and just starts cussing in front of all my kids cause he was mad his daughters drink was thrown away and was calling the boy names. what kind of parent does that?

and then only had one parent complain that her kid was being picked on by other campers which they go to school together and this would happen while they were at school so it is just an on going thing

so all in all....a pretty good week.