so today during church we had a speaker named John Bytheway. He is pretty well known and known as a funny person. so he is up talking and he makes an hilarious face, one that should be laughed at by all. so when he makes this face, i bust out laughing. i didnt hold anything back. well apparently no one else thought it was funny. it was dead silent and just me sitting on the very back row cracking up. needless to say, heads turned and looked which made it even worse for me and i couldnt contain myself. people need to get a better since of humor.
and i was thinking. sometimes the best things are things that cant be defined.

like this picture. i maybe the only person who really knows what it is but i dont care. i love it. as long as i understand it, that is all that matters to me.
lastly everything is brought to you by this camera...
thanks best sister.
Brooooooke! I loved that I was sitting next to you when this happened. Made my Sunday even better! Just another of the many things I'm going to miss about living with you. Come and play!! (If we ever do anything besides go over to Norm, Billy and Mike's to watch TV)