Sunday, July 24, 2011
pinterest part 1
pinterest is my new obsession. i check it before i even check facebook now. i love that i can store everything i find in just one spot with a cute little picture to go along with the idea. the first then i have made from a pinterest find was a braided apple bread. pretty much it is an apple pie with bread. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011
catch up....
* worked the 4th but got to go out and watch the fireworks in the splash park. they always put on a good show*
** got a new pan. made some homemade blueberry donuts. need to find a recipe to make them more like the old fashion donuts that you get at the store. but it was a fun first attempt.**
*** i have been wanting to make an oreo pizza for forever and since we were having a harry potter marathon get together, i thought it was the perfect opportunity. i copied the idea from craigos aka pizza pie cafe. made the dough and used a cream cheese frosting for the icing and add some oreos and caramel. it was delicious. it is all in the dough. we have a good recipe. i just need to make it a little thinner but it will be made again soon. ***
**** also i have discovered pinterest today. i am obsessed. i have now "pinned" all the recipes that i had saved on my computer to it and now all i want to do is search the web to find things i love so i can pin them. best idea ever!****
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
one word
if i had only one word to describe the events at camp today, it would be....poop.
you dont even want to know!
oh camp life.
you dont even want to know!
oh camp life.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
i want s'more cookies!
haha. i crack myself up.
so at camp it has become a tradition now that i bring treats on monday. this week's treat was chosen for me and the idea of them was awesome, they are s'more cookies, but the recipe sucked. the cookies did not rise at all and no matter what i did, nothing helped. they pretty much just tasted like a regular chocolate chip cookie. if i were to make them again i would definitely just choose a different recipe and add the garnishes on top, but they still tasted fine. i just dont like that they were flat. it makes them look ugly.
so at camp it has become a tradition now that i bring treats on monday. this week's treat was chosen for me and the idea of them was awesome, they are s'more cookies, but the recipe sucked. the cookies did not rise at all and no matter what i did, nothing helped. they pretty much just tasted like a regular chocolate chip cookie. if i were to make them again i would definitely just choose a different recipe and add the garnishes on top, but they still tasted fine. i just dont like that they were flat. it makes them look ugly.

Friday, June 24, 2011
it always takes forever to get to friday
...but now it is here!
so today, two girls were fighting and one told the other that she no longer wants to be her friend. this girl came up to me crying and i just started busting out laughing. she told me to stop and that just egged it on even more. i couldnt control myself. needless to say, they were friends again by the end of the day.
camp life.
so today, two girls were fighting and one told the other that she no longer wants to be her friend. this girl came up to me crying and i just started busting out laughing. she told me to stop and that just egged it on even more. i couldnt control myself. needless to say, they were friends again by the end of the day.
camp life.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
i got some new stuff
so i went out shopping this weekend. got some good stuff. new flip flops. an american flag tank for the upcoming holiday. a plum colored shirt. and my favorite, plates and door knobs from anthropologie and my most favorite, a new pan. this pan serves different purposes. one side you can make little cakes and if you flip it over you can make eatable bowls. and so of course i had to try it out right away. i made sugar and chocolate chip cookie bowls and i am going to fill them with fruit topped off with whip cream. new favorite thing to make, i think so. 

the best part about working at a summer camp
1) awesome tan
2) get to make fun/trick kids
and my favorite #3. you can show up to work looking like a mess and it doesnt matter, cause it is summer camp.
i love never getting ready for work.
2) get to make fun/trick kids
and my favorite #3. you can show up to work looking like a mess and it doesnt matter, cause it is summer camp.
i love never getting ready for work.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
ya, im watching the ring right now.
so i woke up this morning pretty much on my death bed. i wanted to die. i was laying on the bathroom floor, cold sweats galor for about an hour off and on. then finally it past. still not on my A game but better.
and even though i wasnt feeling well that didnt stop me from making some delisious cookies i had recently heard about. They are called inception cookies. Chocolate chip dough wrapped around an oreo. Yep sounds as good as it tastes!

the recipie i used for the dough i found here:
the next treat that has caught my eye is a chocolate chip and bacon cookie. Bacon, yum. Chocolate, yum. With alittle bit of maple syrup, yum. I dont think we can go wrong here.
Also the other day i watched a documentery called the cove. It was all about dophins that are lead into a cove off the coast of Japan and then they kill all these dolphins. It was so sad. So i decided to do my part and SAVE THE DOLPHINS since i mean i was an aspiring marine biologist at one point in my life.
and even though i wasnt feeling well that didnt stop me from making some delisious cookies i had recently heard about. They are called inception cookies. Chocolate chip dough wrapped around an oreo. Yep sounds as good as it tastes!

the recipie i used for the dough i found here:
the next treat that has caught my eye is a chocolate chip and bacon cookie. Bacon, yum. Chocolate, yum. With alittle bit of maple syrup, yum. I dont think we can go wrong here.
Also the other day i watched a documentery called the cove. It was all about dophins that are lead into a cove off the coast of Japan and then they kill all these dolphins. It was so sad. So i decided to do my part and SAVE THE DOLPHINS since i mean i was an aspiring marine biologist at one point in my life.

Sunday, May 15, 2011
im the perfect dog sitter
so a few days ago i was asked to watch a family friends dog while they were away. im not up to much thus far in the summer so of course i was up for the task. especially since i currently am without room and bed at my house, i was able to get the chance to have a bed again at the dog's house.
so first day starts off without a hitch. we bonded. i to ok him out. i feed him. then came night and i gathered all my belongings of entertainment to bring over with me for the night. they had a few things for me to do while i was there and one was to take the trash out to the curb to be picked up the next day. so at this time i had a few convos going on the facebook and luckily i was also texting someone at the time so i left my chats with hopes to return and took my phone with me while i took the cans out. i went into the garage through a door in the house. while in there i could not find the button to raise the garage door ( we currently had a garage door opener installed so now i assume that everyone has one) but i couldnt find the button to i thought to myself maybe it is just inside the door that leads to the garage to i went to open it.
instant panic. because at that time i didnt even know how to open the garage door either. my phone was moments away from death. i searched for a little bit longer and still couldnt find a button. i called the girl who lived there and it went straight to voice mail. dang it. next on the list call a friend that doesnt even live here and knowing he couldnt do anything even though my phone had one bar left but i was bewildered and my mind was not working and i didnt know what to do. i was locked inside of a garage.
come to find out that the garage door is not electric and i can just open it. so atleast i am out of the garage now.
so i take the cans to the curb.
i guess it is time to call my mom now. she gets ahold of the mom of the house and there is no spare key so we have to drive out to the grandparents house in the morning so we can get back and feed the dog.
so as im talking to my mom and she is telling me this, i decide i will close the garage. i have one hand holding my phone and pulling down the garage with the other. well i couldnt pull it all the way down just with the one hand so dumb me grab inthe crease that bends as it is being pulled and pull down. then the screaming starts. i cant think what to do cause my other hand is occupied and i cant pull my fingers out the crease and they are being squished to death. so i hang up the phone only to release my fingers just in time. any longer im sure they would of just fallen off.
but there i... phone almost dead, charger locked in the house with all my stuff and the dog, me shoeless in my pajamas sitting in the driveway...fingers hurting.
so first day starts off without a hitch. we bonded. i to ok him out. i feed him. then came night and i gathered all my belongings of entertainment to bring over with me for the night. they had a few things for me to do while i was there and one was to take the trash out to the curb to be picked up the next day. so at this time i had a few convos going on the facebook and luckily i was also texting someone at the time so i left my chats with hopes to return and took my phone with me while i took the cans out. i went into the garage through a door in the house. while in there i could not find the button to raise the garage door ( we currently had a garage door opener installed so now i assume that everyone has one) but i couldnt find the button to i thought to myself maybe it is just inside the door that leads to the garage to i went to open it.
instant panic. because at that time i didnt even know how to open the garage door either. my phone was moments away from death. i searched for a little bit longer and still couldnt find a button. i called the girl who lived there and it went straight to voice mail. dang it. next on the list call a friend that doesnt even live here and knowing he couldnt do anything even though my phone had one bar left but i was bewildered and my mind was not working and i didnt know what to do. i was locked inside of a garage.
come to find out that the garage door is not electric and i can just open it. so atleast i am out of the garage now.
so i take the cans to the curb.
i guess it is time to call my mom now. she gets ahold of the mom of the house and there is no spare key so we have to drive out to the grandparents house in the morning so we can get back and feed the dog.
so as im talking to my mom and she is telling me this, i decide i will close the garage. i have one hand holding my phone and pulling down the garage with the other. well i couldnt pull it all the way down just with the one hand so dumb me grab inthe crease that bends as it is being pulled and pull down. then the screaming starts. i cant think what to do cause my other hand is occupied and i cant pull my fingers out the crease and they are being squished to death. so i hang up the phone only to release my fingers just in time. any longer im sure they would of just fallen off.
but there i... phone almost dead, charger locked in the house with all my stuff and the dog, me shoeless in my pajamas sitting in the driveway...fingers hurting.
on May 1st......
winter 2011 in review
*Watched the whole series of Lost. (and nope i dont get it. nothing was resolved for me)
*Got sick, really really sick. Actually went to the doctor after about a month of being really sick and got some prescriptions. I haven’t been to the doctor since I was a child. The only other time I have had a prescription was when I got my tonsils out so this was a big deal. But I got better. ( so side note. i just lied. i dont even know what i was thinking. i still have my tonsils. i was meaning to put that i had a prescription when i got my wisdom teeth out. but i had read over this a few times and it wasnt till this time that i noticed i just made up a whole story about myself.... so replace tonsils with wisdom teeth)
*Took a snowboarding class and made a break through on my S turns. Finally.
*I became a teacher in a first grade class.
*Watched the whole series of Grey’s Anatomy…again ( and when i say was just on in the background)
*Festival of colors

*Went searching for easter eggs at 1 in the morning with Devin and Heather but turns out it was all a prank and there was no prizes for the eggs. We even woke up at 7am to claim our prizes only to find about 10 other people as disappointed as we were
*Saw Sugar Ray for free in concert and Jimmer (Mark McGrath is so hot right now)
*Putt – putting
*Shot some guns. getting good i might say.
*Nickle City… got some sweet tats and things that turn in to sponge animals when put in hot water….or in someone’s mouth. Ha.
*Ihop more times then I care to go. (ordering from the kids menu is frowned upon)
*Met awesome people ( a little too late in the semester then i would of liked)
*Saw someone get engaged at Sport Comedy….lame
*Went to the hot springs and got pissed when the guys wouldn’t help us find the keys
*Car broke down in the Target parking lot and wouldnt start so had to tow it with my friends truck in the middle of the night
*Midget wrestling ( and yes it was as awesome as it sounds)
Made a million desserts
*Became a pro ping pong player
*Game night!
*Had some nicely interesting roommates…cough couch lesbians
....Just a few things to wrap it all up
*Got sick, really really sick. Actually went to the doctor after about a month of being really sick and got some prescriptions. I haven’t been to the doctor since I was a child. The only other time I have had a prescription was when I got my tonsils out so this was a big deal. But I got better. ( so side note. i just lied. i dont even know what i was thinking. i still have my tonsils. i was meaning to put that i had a prescription when i got my wisdom teeth out. but i had read over this a few times and it wasnt till this time that i noticed i just made up a whole story about myself.... so replace tonsils with wisdom teeth)
*Took a snowboarding class and made a break through on my S turns. Finally.
*I became a teacher in a first grade class.
*Festival of colors
*Went searching for easter eggs at 1 in the morning with Devin and Heather but turns out it was all a prank and there was no prizes for the eggs. We even woke up at 7am to claim our prizes only to find about 10 other people as disappointed as we were
*Saw Sugar Ray for free in concert and Jimmer (Mark McGrath is so hot right now)
*Shot some guns. getting good i might say.
*Nickle City… got some sweet tats and things that turn in to sponge animals when put in hot water….or in someone’s mouth. Ha.
*Ihop more times then I care to go. (ordering from the kids menu is frowned upon)
*Met awesome people ( a little too late in the semester then i would of liked)
*Went to the hot springs and got pissed when the guys wouldn’t help us find the keys
*Car broke down in the Target parking lot and wouldnt start so had to tow it with my friends truck in the middle of the night
*Midget wrestling ( and yes it was as awesome as it sounds)
*Became a pro ping pong player
*Game night!
*Had some nicely interesting roommates…cough couch lesbians
....Just a few things to wrap it all up
sugar high
I love baking. Whenever i am stressed, i bake. It a gather is coming up, i bake. If i find a new recipe online, i bake. So this past winter i did alot of baking. I am starting to get really good at it and trying new things. I really like making cakes. Here are a few things that i remembered to take pictures of this semester....

I had just gotten a new pan and it makes a checkered design so you can do two different cakes at once. This one was red velvet and chocolate. I am really good a making moist cake....just saying. I just used a basic chocolate frosting and put heath bits in between the layers. It was for Harry Potter day.

This was a three layer cake again. Same deal but with funfetti. It was christmas, thus the decoration.

So one of my favorite things to do is go to the bookstore and buy discounted baking books. From one of the books this was chosen by a friend as the dessert he most wanted me to make. It is a cheesecake with cookie dough. It wasnt bad. Cheesecake isnt my favorite mainly because i can only a little bit before i get tired of it. i things that i basically can gorge my face in and never stop.

These were some Superbowl treats. There were chocolate cupcakes with a reeses in the middle and then chocolate buttercream frosting and peanut butter buttercream frosting. I was pleasantly surprised with the buttercream frostings. It was my first time making them and they were really good. Then i also made chocolate chip and coconut cookies. I love coconut but it turns out not many others do. They were ok cookies. It was my first time making them and well i couldn't stop eating them but that is mainly because im a sucker for any kind of cookie.

Cream puffs. Delicious. Crowd pleaser. I got the recipe from my friend Steve Peper and added my own little flair to it. I made them more like sandwiches and added a sliced strawberry in the middle as a little surprise. They were really easy to make and I loved them. Thanks Steve.

This was my favorite thing i made all semester long. A three layer chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream in the middle of the layers and a chocolate gauche glaze on top. It was actually not that difficult to make and i just loved the way it looked at the end. I am now a huge fan of not frosting the whole cake.
So these were the only things i took pictures of this semester which me saying i love to bake, this is a pathetic representation of it but believe me there was more. much more treats produced. Life goal: to work in a bakery and learn some real stuff.
I had just gotten a new pan and it makes a checkered design so you can do two different cakes at once. This one was red velvet and chocolate. I am really good a making moist cake....just saying. I just used a basic chocolate frosting and put heath bits in between the layers. It was for Harry Potter day.
This was a three layer cake again. Same deal but with funfetti. It was christmas, thus the decoration.
So one of my favorite things to do is go to the bookstore and buy discounted baking books. From one of the books this was chosen by a friend as the dessert he most wanted me to make. It is a cheesecake with cookie dough. It wasnt bad. Cheesecake isnt my favorite mainly because i can only a little bit before i get tired of it. i things that i basically can gorge my face in and never stop.

These were some Superbowl treats. There were chocolate cupcakes with a reeses in the middle and then chocolate buttercream frosting and peanut butter buttercream frosting. I was pleasantly surprised with the buttercream frostings. It was my first time making them and they were really good. Then i also made chocolate chip and coconut cookies. I love coconut but it turns out not many others do. They were ok cookies. It was my first time making them and well i couldn't stop eating them but that is mainly because im a sucker for any kind of cookie.

Cream puffs. Delicious. Crowd pleaser. I got the recipe from my friend Steve Peper and added my own little flair to it. I made them more like sandwiches and added a sliced strawberry in the middle as a little surprise. They were really easy to make and I loved them. Thanks Steve.

This was my favorite thing i made all semester long. A three layer chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream in the middle of the layers and a chocolate gauche glaze on top. It was actually not that difficult to make and i just loved the way it looked at the end. I am now a huge fan of not frosting the whole cake.
So these were the only things i took pictures of this semester which me saying i love to bake, this is a pathetic representation of it but believe me there was more. much more treats produced. Life goal: to work in a bakery and learn some real stuff.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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