*Watched the whole series of Lost. (and nope i dont get it. nothing was resolved for me)
*Got sick, really really sick. Actually went to the doctor after about a month of being really sick and got some prescriptions. I haven’t been to the doctor since I was a child. The only other time I have had a prescription was when I got my tonsils out so this was a big deal. But I got better. ( so side note. i just lied. i dont even know what i was thinking. i still have my tonsils. i was meaning to put that i had a prescription when i got my wisdom teeth out. but i had read over this a few times and it wasnt till this time that i noticed i just made up a whole story about myself.... so replace tonsils with wisdom teeth)
*Took a snowboarding class and made a break through on my S turns. Finally.
*I became a teacher in a first grade class.

*Watched the whole series of Grey’s Anatomy…again ( and when i say watch...it was just on in the background)
*Festival of colors

*Went searching for easter eggs at 1 in the morning with Devin and Heather but turns out it was all a prank and there was no prizes for the eggs. We even woke up at 7am to claim our prizes only to find about 10 other people as disappointed as we were
*Saw Sugar Ray for free in concert and Jimmer (Mark McGrath is so hot right now)

*Putt – putting
*Shot some guns. getting good i might say.
*Nickle City… got some sweet tats and things that turn in to sponge animals when put in hot water….or in someone’s mouth. Ha.
*Ihop more times then I care to go. (ordering from the kids menu is frowned upon)
*Met awesome people ( a little too late in the semester then i would of liked)

*Saw someone get engaged at Sport Comedy….lame
*Went to the hot springs and got pissed when the guys wouldn’t help us find the keys
*Car broke down in the Target parking lot and wouldnt start so had to tow it with my friends truck in the middle of the night
*Midget wrestling ( and yes it was as awesome as it sounds)

Made a million desserts
*Became a pro ping pong player
*Game night!
*Had some nicely interesting roommates…cough couch lesbians
....Just a few things to wrap it all up